Tuesday, May 5, 2009


its funny how we arnt close, and we arnt the best of friends either, yet you understand everything that i have told you. i can see that your one of the few people who are real. and i value the friendship that we have.
for the longest time i had no one to talk to, that would understand the words coming out of my mouth.
i mean im thankful to those who were there for me, but it was different. as i explained to them, they took it to heart to understand, but not knowing what i was really going through.
unlike them you knew everything about the subject. especially since your going through with the same problem.
So i wish you the best of luck and that you'll be happy with whatever comes your way.

although i admit that its hard for me, im glad that i was able to find someone who could understand what im going through. no one else tried, or no one else cared too.
i have been left with a void, that im sure wont be filled for a while. and it sucks.
you helped me to understand a few things and it really helped me.
labels are just labels. titles are just titles.

And i ask myself this question?
what did i do to deserve this?
my answer was i did nothing wrong, and thats always punishable

i've relized that people no matter how close or how far, the status they are in your life, it dosent matter to them, people will do whatever it takes to save somehthing they believe to be worth it, even if it ends up not being what they wanted or expected...they will sacrifice anything, no matter the consequence or the people that get hurt. it dosent matter in the end. as long as they see a glimpse of hope, then everything was worth sacrificing for.
but what if there was no hope shinning through? then was it worth it?
its a question that i repeativly think over.
was it worth sacrificing everything you just loss for nothing?

all i have left to say is that im sorry, for whatever it was that i did, im sure i deserved what im getting, and that i miss you. bye

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